Memorial Library is your resource for technology and research materials, including books, journal articles, digital newspaper subscriptions, databases, and video. The library is also a comfortable ...
The Learning Center provides a variety of opportunities for students to discover their learning preferences and build successful academic behaviors. Students who regularly use our services tend to ...
Advisement and Transition provides services and support to students regarding transition to college, academic planning, major choice, and academic decision making. Our role is to help students make ...
Promote SUNY Cortland as an institution fully committed to student research, scholarship, and creative pursuits. Collect and disseminate current best practices for undergraduate research. Communicate ...
SUNY Cortland’s C.U.R.E. Scholarship and Program has much to offer students. We provide a comprehensive urban teacher preparation program that complements traditional teacher preparation programs and ...
300 MHz Nuclear Magnetic Resonance spectroscopy provides a fingerprint of a substance based on the behavior of a specific nuclei in the presence of a magnetic field. Common nuclei include 1 H and 13 C ...
Students from the Cortland Chemistry department have gone on to graduate programs including: Cornell University, Columbia University, Yale University, University of Delaware, Michigan State University ...
SI Leader Training Guide (.docx): independent-study introduction to Supplemental Instruction. ALL training activities require your familiarity with this material! Read and work through the exercises ...
Students who are interested in research (which can count for credit toward graduation through Independent Studies) are encouraged to inquire about opportunities. Typically, starting research in the ...
Welcome! As part of its educational mission, SUNY Cortland supports and fosters research in order to advance knowledge and scholarship. When research activities involve human participants, ethical ...
Fall: get involved and join the Physics and Engineering Club Spring: sign up for Physics Seminar (PHY 404) where you will learn about a range of interesting topics in contemporary physics and get to ...
At SUNY Cortland, we proudly recognize our first-generation students, faculty, and staff. Being the first in your family to attend a four-year college is a remarkable achievement, and we recognize the ...