Dasha Pruss is an assistant professor of philosophy and computer science at George Mason University and a faculty associate at the Berkman Klein Center for Internet and Society at Harvard University.
Through the expanded use of carceral technologies, the psychological torture traditionally confined to prison walls now permeates day-to-day experiences. These technologies subject an unprecedented ...
Border technologies heighten the historical violence of colonialism and imperialism while failing to address the root causes of forced migration. Seidu Mohammed and Razak Iyal proudly hold up their ...
Las «alternativas» tecnológicas al encarcelamiento extienden la tortura psicológica a espacios no carcelarios.
Seidu Mohammed y Razak Iyal sostienen con orgullo su certificado de ciudadanía canadiense, colocado en una funda de plástico para protegerlo. Al observar de cerca sus manos que sujetan este documento ...