As the Mercer Island City Council discussion rolled on regarding Town Center on-street parking regulations, City Manager Jessi Bon spoke up as various proposals were brought to the table.
Arrest: Following a traffic stop in the 2400 block of West Mercer Way, police arrested the driver for a suspended license.
In the all-league boys basketball realm, Mercer Island High School (MIHS) won the team sportsmanship award for the 3A KingCo ...
Northwest Flower and Garden Festival awarded its Founder’s Cup — the biggest prize of all — to Michael Orr of Method Hardscapes. His installation, “The Salish Retreat,” included a large patio and a ...
SZ Gallery presents its Literary Salon, “Weaving Stories - The Echoes Within,” from 2-4 p.m. on March 22 at 2441 76th Ave. SE ...
Mercer Island High School’s drill team placed first in the Pom category, first in the Military category and second in the ...
The Mercer Island School District, in collaboration with the Mercer Island Fine Arts Advisory Council, will present the ...
From now through April 25, the city of Mercer Island is recruiting volunteers to serve on the following advisory boards and ...
Guest columnist Greg Asimakoupoulos is a former chaplain at Covenant Living at the Shores in Mercer Island.
During the Mercer Island School Board meeting on March 13, Superintendent Fred Rundle discussed staff reductions due to ...
Proposition 1 for the Mercer Island School District’s $165 million bond would be a heavy financial burden for many Mercer Island homeowners. In a report to the MISD Board, the property tax assessment ...