Bravo's Andy Cohen recently apologized to former The Hills stars Spencer Pratt and Heidi Montag after an ancient reality TV beef was revived, but Spencer wasn't keen on burying the hatchet.
Spencer Pratt faces criticism after demanding a personal apology from Andy Cohen over perceived 15 years ago wrongs. Just days earlier, Spencer and his wife, Heidi Montag, were also slammed for ...
Andy Cohen is apologizing to The Hills alumni Spencer Pratt and Heidi Montag. Cohen issued an apology to the married couple during the Wednesday, Jan. 29 live episode of SiriusXM’s Andy Cohen Live.
The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills won’t be welcoming Heidi Montag any time soon — if her husband Spencer ... Pratt swiftly rejected, referring to past beef with host Andy Cohen.
Andy Cohen is known to be catty and selective ... Her longtime husband, Spencer Pratt made her 2010 album Superficial hit no.1—hoping to finance their recovery after losing their home to the ...
Bravo bigwig Andy Cohenrarely backpedals on his words, but he officially issued a second apology to Spencer Prattand ... Happens Live, Cohen brought up Montag’s claim she and Pratt had talked ...