The Lord of the Rings' fellowship was filled with capable but flawed individuals. As a result, everyone from Frodo to Gandalf ...
Some Lord of the Rings characters had key moments but vanished quickly, like The Mouth of Sauron, Háma, Madril, Grimbold, and Irolas.
The damage wreaked by Storm Éowyn in January has caused many home and business owners to look at other sources of backup power for the next big storm. The most popular choice is a petrol or ...
Senator Paraic Brady has sparked calls for a specialist taskforce and database of emergency personnel to be enacted to ensure scenes whicxh saw homes and businesses cut off from electricity for ...
Storm Éowyn was a real eye opener about the damage an extreme weather event can cause in Ireland. It highlighted key vulnerabilities in electricity, water, and telecommunications. It underscored ...
Storm Éowyn levelled up to €500 million of timber in commercial forests, according industry calculations based on the latest Government damage estimates. The Department of Agriculture reported ...
A County Antrim animal sanctuary is among a number of organisations in Northern Ireland still reeling from the devastation caused by Storm Éowyn, one month on. Executive director, Mike Gibb, said ...
Mike Gibb has highlighted the impact of Storm Éowyn on World of Owls in County Antrim A County Antrim animal sanctuary is among a number of organisations in Northern Ireland still reeling from ...
Tree felling is set to begin in a Dumfries and Galloway forest as the clean-up from Storm Eowyn continues. Walks and mountain bike trails at a number of the region’s woodlands remain shut due to ...
Storm Éowyn is set to cost insurers as much as €300m, double some initial estimates and the most the most expensive weather event in the past 25 years”, according to Insurance Ireland. The ...
Insurers say Storm Éowyn could yet be the most expensive weather event this century as they upgraded the likely cost of claims for damage from the storm which left many home sin the west of ...