The Lord of the Rings' fellowship was filled with capable but flawed individuals. As a result, everyone from Frodo to Gandalf ...
Storm Éowyn levelled up to €500 million of timber in commercial forests, according industry calculations based on the latest Government damage estimates. The Department of Agriculture reported ...
DAMAGE to vehicles, homes and businesses by Storm Eowyn may result in insurance claims of €240 million. New figures supplied to the Department of Finance revealed more than 27,000 claims have ...
The body which represents the insurance sector has said indications from its members are that the total cost of claims for Storm Éowyn could grow to as high as €300 million. This would make it ...
A woman whose house was destroyed during Storm Éowyn and has spent around €30,000 before any rebuilding work has been done is concerned that her insurance will not cover those initial costs.
You can check out at any time. More info A pensioner whose home was destroyed by Storm Eowyn fears delays in Government aid will make her homeless. Galway widow Maureen Folan, 74, lives at Mace ...
Insurers say Storm Éowyn could yet be the most expensive weather event this century as they upgraded the likely cost of claims for damage from the storm which left many home sin the west of ...
The first estimate of the insurance market loss, based on loss data collected from the affected insurers, is €619m (£520m). For the Republic of Ireland, Éowyn marks the biggest windstorm loss for at ...
There are “no routes” for Northern Ireland Electricity Networks to make compensation payments to customers who lost power during Storm Eowyn, a working group has said. Almost 326,000 homes and ...
COSTS of the clear up in the wake of Storm Eowyn in the Cumberland Council area will be raised at a meeting next week. Members of the full council are due to meet at the Civic Centre in Carlisle ...
A disabled NI woman left without power for almost a week during Storm Éowyn has said the Executive Office’s silence on a failed compensation agreement “makes it look like they don’t care ...