Premier Doug Ford received more union endorsements in his recent campaign. The impact of the endorsements may be exaggerated, ...
Five Indo-Canadians were elected to Ontario's legislature as the Progressive Conservative Party, led by Doug Ford, secured a ...
Doug Ford’s PCs are seeking a new majority as the NDP, Liberals and Greens hope to gain ground. Learn more about what’s at ...
The Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, today issued the following statement on the results of the provincial election in Ontario ...
Kory Teneycke, PC party campaign manager, sent an "election day directive" to campaign staff urging them to put "party above self-interest" and to not abandon their post ...
Another majority government for Premier Doug Ford and the Ontario PC Party bodes well for the province’s competitive market ...
Premier Doug Ford says he has a stronger mandate after last week's election despite winning fewer seats than in 2022. Ford's ...
Newly re-elected Premier Doug Ford doubled down Monday on his threat to cut off electricity flowing from Ontario to several ...