Cet étrange paysage lunaire de grand intérêt géologique abrite l’un des plus importants ensembles d’art rupestre préhistorique du monde. Plus de 15 000 dessins et gravures permettent d’y suivre, ...
On 5 March 2025, the Bureau of the World Heritage Committee met to discuss the venue of the forthcoming 47th session of the World Heritage Committee scheduled to take place on 6 to 16 July 2025. Upon ...
This guide 6 will tell you why infrastructure is vital to sustainable tourism and how to begin the process of developing appropriate infrastructure. Identify the key stakeholders who can influence the ...
XIV.1 The former Rapporteur of the Committee introduced the working document WHC-93/CONF.002/11 consisting of a revised text of the Operational Guidelines concerninq the implementation of the World ...