The new license year opens March 1. The deadline to apply for deer and elk permits is April 1. Applications for most species – deer, elk, antelope, deer B licenses, elk B licenses, antelope B licenses ...
The Town of Cascade found lead contamination in some buildings, according to preliminary reports released in January. The town had been actively testing for lead contamination in Wedsworth Hall, ...
This week’s wrap up of local news from the last week. As a reminder, you can sign up for The Electric’s email newsletter to get the headlines delivered to your inbox at 4 a.m. just about daily. AF stu ...
City Commissioners approved a new audit contract during their Feb. 4 meeting. The three-year contract with Eide Bailly is $115,400 for the current fiscal year; $119,700 for next fiscal year; and $124, ...
A bill its sponsor called “easy-peasy” would allow retired teachers to keep their benefits while returning to tutor their replacements. The House State Administration Committee heard first testimony ...