Investigation into corruption surrounding fines for oil palm plantations in forest area is stalled at the Attorney General’s ...
Hundreds of active military officers are being trained to run SOEs and region-owned enterprises. Soldiers are meant for wars, ...
Hundreds of active military officers are being trained to run SOEs and region-owned enterprises. Soldiers are meant for wars, ...
Investigation into corruption surrounding fines for oil palm plantations in forest area is stalled at the Attorney General’s ...
Negative sentiment is dominating Indonesia’s financial market. A major financial crisis is imminent if there is no change in ...
Megawati Soekarnoputri is reportedly disappointed with Prabowo Subianto over the KPK’s decision to detain Hasto Kristiyanto, ...
The hashtag #KaburAjaDulu has appeared since 2023. The movement is growing traction due to Indonesians’ dissatisfaction in the Prabowo administration.
Business owners demand the government fulfill its promise to restore beef import quota, which remains stuck between two ...
The KPK arrests PDI-P Secretary-General Hasto Kristiyanto in the bribery case involving a KPU member and Harun Masiku. The ...
Immanuel Ebenezer confirmed reports of law enforcement involvement, including the police and state intelligence, in the ...
The hashtag #KaburAjaDulu has appeared since 2023. The movement is growing traction due to Indonesians’ dissatisfaction in the Prabowo administration. arsip tempo : 174042210645. The hashtag ...
Hasto Kristiyanto prepares a new pre-trial motion after being detained by the KPK. He still believes that his case is politically motivated. arsip tempo : 174070983816. Maqdir Ismail during the ...