The smooth wings of fruit-sucking moths appear to be ridged like a leaf – but the resemblance is created by nanostructures ...
Ubisoft's return to Steam has continued slowly but surely since September 2024, when the company finally decided that enough ...
Overwatch 2 releases another hotfix update specifically targeting a popular hero from the second run of the limited-time ...
Overwatch 2 implements a new hotfix that buffs Mercy specifically in the second run of the limited-time Overwatch: Classic 6v6 game mode.
Overwatch 2 players have been enjoying the recent Overwatch Classic “Moth Meta” event and want this one underrated feature to ...
Overwatch 2’s new throwback mode promised to recreate the glory days of playing Mercy in 2017, but to everyone’s surprise, it actually recreated the living hell of playing Mercy just before her peak ...
Overwatch’s second “Classic” mode might be the “Moth Meta,” but it’s Doomfist mains who are coming out in full force the most.