Joliet offers former MyGrain brewery space for potential restaurant use while it looks for a developer for former Cragigale's comedy club, too.
For at least a few hours this weekend, Kenosha is tossing aside its Italian heritage to embrace all things Irish.
Every year as part of the city’s St. Patrick’s Day celebrations, thousands of onlookers clad in green cheer on a boat crew sprinkling orange powder into the Chicago River to turn it a festive shade.
A charter bus company will launch low-cost daily bus routes between Indianapolis, Chicago, Lafayette and other Midwest cities ...
Designed to capture "the laid-back elegance of summer in the Hamptons" on Dallas' Main Street, The Hampton Social aims to ...
Chicago doesn’t have the teen “flash mob” problem under control. But an 8 p.m. curfew for minors isn’t the answer.
While most associate Chicago’s St. Patrick’s Day celebrations with dyeing the river green and Downtown events, the city’s neighborhoods have storied parades of their own.
The landmark designation protects the building’s exterior elevations including rooflines and will not affect interior ...
The parade is set to start at East Balbo Drive and South Columbus Drive, near Grant Park and move north on South Columbus ...
Voters in Wilmette had the opportunity to learn the views of the four candidates for the Village Board at a League of Women ...
The 40-story building at 190 S. LaSalle St. is up for sale despite a recent string of ugly deals for anyone unloading an office property downtown.