Las más leídas 1 Mascherano reveló la condición física actual de Messi 2 Copa Davis: Mariano Navone ganó con épica el quinto punto y Argentina clasificó en el debut de Javier Frana 3 Valentín Barco za ...
They have fused Chinese traditional culture with Unitree Robotics, with their robots dancing and twirling silk handkerchiefs in celebration of Chinese New Year.” Speaking of that Chinese New ...
La Niñera, The Nanny, la señorita Fine no importa como le digas. Este personaje de los 90 sigue siendo un ícono de estilo, incluso 30 años después. La moda de Fran Fine no ha perdido vigencia, y la ...
The global market value of industrial robot installations has reached an all-time high of $16.5 billion (U.S.), according to the International Federation of Robotics, or IFR. Future demand will be ...
Las irregularidades detectadas implicaron descubrir que otra de las imputadas, la cual cobraba un sueldo como empleada de la Legislatura de Chubut, realmente trabajaba como empleada doméstica y niñera ...
A range of combat robots were brought into "offensive" drills that Iran launched in the northeast of the country two months ago, involving artillery armored units, air assault teams, drone ...
Los audios de Mauro Icardi con su hija Francesa hablando de la China Suárez y de una niñera: “Me hacés pasar vergüenza” (Video: LAM, América) Después de que apareció un audio de ...
Aurora’s stock had a wild ride this month and CEO Chris Urmson, who led Google’s self-driving car program in its pre-Waymo days, thinks it’s on the cusp of commercializing driverless trucks ...
For $175,000 you too can have a hyper-realistic full-body humanoid robot as personal companion coupled with “Companionship AI” and — to come — a controller app to manage and control your ...
Our hands perform thousands of complex tasks every day – can artificial intelligence help robots match these extraordinary human appendages? The human hand is one of the most staggeringly ...
AI is coming for your job, too. China is organizing what could be one of the weirdest races in history: a half-marathon where 12,000 humans will compete against an army of humanoid robots to see who’s ...