Twal is the first patriarchal vicar of Jordan to be ordained on Jordanian soil at a crucial time for the region, amidst the ongoing Gaza war and increasing settler violence against Christian ...
Spectator SYDNEY, Australia — Sunday, February 23, was the designated day to bid farewell to our beloved Primate, Archbishop ...
The National Park Service has removed an official biography of the first black female Episcopal Church priest and allegedly ...
Spanish missionary Fr. Bernardo Blanco, who was abducted in 1993 on the southern Philippine island of Basilan, died Monday in ...
Even in his late 90s, Father Bill McGough felt drawn to the confessional to serve as a conduit of God’s mercy, and ...
This newly designated national shrine is holy ground, witnessing to 17th-century Jesuit priests and laymen and St. Kateri ...
Some resources the Committee leans into, beyond one another, are our Diocesan Lay and Ordained Ministries Manuals, our Book ...
In only a few years, 80% of all the temple recommend holders in the church will be within an hour of a temple,” Elder Neil L.
Bishop-elect Gregg Caggianelli, whose service includes the Air Force and Incarnation Parish in Sarasota, has served the ...
The first servant of prayer is the Christian family. Such an affirmation is an acknowledgement of the sacredness of married ...
The Sunday Mail Vice President Dr Chiwenga is shown the plan of the new Mount St Mary’s Mission School structures by ...
Diocese of Chalan Kanoa has a new bishop after Romeo Duetao Convocar was ordained and installed as the leader of the CNMI’s ...