Orientation choices, scholarships, school booklets... As a parent or legal guardian, you can now have a global view of this information on School Services. This service centralizes all ...
Are you wondering about the Vitale card? Know that it is a personal card, confidential, secure and free. It allows you to be identified with the Health Insurance. This map chip contains the ...
What Class B weapons can be acquired and possessed for sport shooting? We'll tell you what you need to know.
What is a flatshare? A flatshare is the rental by several roommates of the same dwelling, which all use as their main residence. It can take the form of a single lease signed by all roommates ...
The BSR: titleContent (category AM of the license) allows the following vehicles to be driven, depending on the option chosen: Practical training lasts at least 8 hours. If this period is exceeded ...
What are the over-the-counter weapons ? Here are the main rules to know about weapons classified in category D. Pre-1900 model. Shoot only ammunition without a metal case. Manufacturing should ...
In any case, you should consult the PLU of your municipality which can provide rules on building materials and the installation of the shelter compared to neighboring properties. To find out about ...
Do you have to go through a medical check to get your driver's license back after a administrative suspension? We will inform you about the suspension of the permit decided by the prefect ...
You must return your driving license. According to the judicial procedure, you must return your driving license on the day of the judgment or afterwards, to the law enforcement authorities.
The company Savings Plan (PEE) is a collective savings scheme that allows employees (and managers of small companies) to make investments with the help of the company and a tax advantage.
The Collective Retirement Savings Plan (Perco) is a company savings product. New Retirement Savings Plans (RSPs) have been available since 1 er October 2019, and your Perco can be transformed into ...
Do you need to reissue your driver's license after a judicial suspension of your driver's license? We will inform you about the suspension of the license decided by the judge and the steps to take ...