Donald Trump discussed the war in Ukraine on Wednesday in phone calls with Russian President Vladimir Putin and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy, the new U.S. president's first big step towards ...
Donald Trump and his supporters on Wednesday continued to ramp up their criticism of judges who they say have stymied the Republican U.S. president's second-term agenda, with billionaire ally Elon ...
Scaling back the SLS, which is being developed by Boeing and Northrop Grumman, could offer a boost to Musk's SpaceX, which is developing its own cheaper, albeit less powerful rocket called Falcon ...
On Sunday morning, the Hong Kong Marathon 2025 started with a bang. Among this year's runners, about 200 of them from Hong Kong Baptist University (HKBU) took part with a mission. These runners not ...
As the vibrant sounds of drums and gongs filled the air, a colorful troupe of performers holding an ancient auspicious animal, wound its way through the villages of the New Territories of Hong Kong, ...
President Donald Trump's new tariff orders against Canada, Mexico and China all contain clauses suspending a duty-free exemption for low-value shipments below $800 that is widely seen as a loophole ...
When M23 rebels swept into the Congolese city of Goma this week, world powers urged them to immediately withdraw. Instead, the Rwanda-backed insurgents are intent on showing they can restore order and ...
U.S. President Donald Trump's vision of a Gaza Strip cleared of its Palestinian inhabitants and redeveloped into an international beach resort under U.S. control has revived an idea floated by his son ...
南韓憲法法院今日舉行尹錫悅彈劾案第八次正式辯論. 3名證人圍繞總統是否指示逮捕國會議員、警方管制國會原因等問題出庭作證. 南韓國家情報院院長趙太庸作為尹錫悅方證人, 針對去年12月3日緊急戒嚴當晚, 與尹錫悅通電話內容, 和宣布戒嚴前召開的國務會議相關情況作證. 他質疑前國情院第一次長洪壯源早前作證所說, 尹錫悅曾在電話中下令抓捕政界人士. 因為有關事務並非洪壯源的職位, 能夠獨立處理, 認為尹錫 ...
香港會議展覽中心(管理)有限公司公布, 會展中心去年舉行的活動共有812項, 當中有33個新展覽及會議, 約100個國際展覽及會議; 全年參觀人次共818萬, 按年增加三成半, 形容會展中心2024年「商貿展覽100%回歸」. 會展管理公司董事總經理梅李玉霞預告, 會展今年會引入多項新展覧活動, 包括4月會舉辦國際試食節. 而年內就舉行兩個國際大型醫學會議, 料可吸引逾8,000名全球各地專家出席 ...
英國外相林德偉(David Lammy)表示, 他與正在倫敦訪問的中國外長王毅的討論, 將包括兩國「並不總是意見一致」的問題. 王毅在當地時間周三抵達倫敦, 今日將與林德偉會面, 並與英方舉行第十次中英戰略對話, 是相隔7年後, 雙方再次進行戰略對話. 王毅結束訪英後, 將轉往愛爾蘭, 周五出席在德國舉行的慕尼黑安全會議, 就重大國際問題介紹中方立場. 王毅之後會轉往美國紐約. 中國作為聯合國安理 ...
食物環境衞生署今年繼續分三期推行全港滅蚊運動, 第一期將於下周一至下月14日展開. 期間將針對區內受關注地點, 例如公眾街巿、 熟食中心和小販巿場等設施 , 街道和後巷、 空置土地及路旁工地等, 作清除積水及防治蚊患行動. 食環署指, 春季天氣較為溫暖潮濕, 有利蚊子繁殖, 會持續監察各區蚊患情況, 採取迅速有效的防治措施, 並公布 上月全港白紋伊蚊誘蚊器指數, 由去年12月份的百分之0.7, 進 ...