PORT TOWNSEND — The Wall That Heals, a replica of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington ... of 58,000 Vietnam veterans who died in the war. It will be open 24 hours a day following ...
In 1979, Congress grants a Vietnam War ... this memorial design for what it is: a black scar, in a hole, hidden as if out of shame." The protesters want to change the color of the wall to white ...
Michigan Technological University has had a War Memorial Wall ever since ... people across campus a new, companion wall was dedicated on Veterans’ Day 2014, listing 13 Michigan Tech students and ...
He was among a small group of veterans who advocated for the establishment of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in the National Mall here, in part because he wanted to heal the wounds the war opened ...
A quarter-scale replica of the iconic Vietnam ... Memorial Wall is now on display at the Rossville Athletic Center. This replica honors the 58,300 names of those who sacrificed during the Vietnam ...
One of the most moving war memorials, the Vietnam Veterans Memorial – or "the Wall," as it's commonly referred to – is a long black granite wall with the names of more than 58,000 Americans ...