The Earth is currently experiencing its sixth major extinction event. One million species globally are at risk of extinction in the next few decades, including 27 percent of the world’s mammals, 41 ...
DESCRIPTION: The Pacific pocket mouse is a nocturnal granivore ranging in size from 4.3 to 5.2 inches from the nose to tip of the tail. The coat is soft, bristle free, and light pinkish brown in color ...
busco -m genome -i /global/scratch/users/kozakk/CCGP/ref/mPerLon1.NCBI.p_ctg.fasta -o ./mPerLon1.NCBI.p_ctg.fasta.BUSCO.glires -l glires_odb10 --augustus -c 28 ...
A Notice by the Fish and Wildlife Service on 09/06/2024 ...
The American Society of Mammalogists established the "James L. Patton Award" in 2015 to promote and support museum-based research by graduate students. [22] ...
Genes are found on chromosomes. Rule: Gene action is usually independent of chromosomal location. But, in general, the many genetic engineering successes indicates that there is little effect of ...
Recent analytical and conceptual developments in multivariate statistics and morphometrics are reviewed. These developments include a modification of principal components analysis, the shear, and the ...