Extending the statute of limitations on pandemic era fraudsters who stole billions of dollars during one of America's darkest ...
The former U.S. senator from New Jersey was convicted in July of accepting bribes including gold bars, cash, and a Mercedes-Benz.
Does former Sen. Bob Menendez have anything to offer President Donald Trump that could prompt a pardon? Probably not.
Former NJ Sen. Bob Menendez has been sentenced to 11 years in prison after being convicted of abusing a Senate committee leadership position. Prosecutors had said that Menendez should be ...
Will Trump pardon Menendez? Will Menendez be on the Pardon List of Shame? Will Trump pardon Mrs. Menendez if she is convicted ...
Former Sen. Bob Menendez has officially filed an appeal ... Menendez, a Democrat who represented New Jersey in the U.S. Senate for nearly two decades, was convicted last July on 16 federal felony ...
New Jersey Democratic Sen. Bob Menendez barked back Monday in response to a federal bribery indictment, insisting the nearly $500,000 in cash FBI agents found during a raid at his home in June 2022 ...
Former Sen. Bob Menendez (D-N.J.) filed an appeal Thursday ... the cesspool and restores the integrity to the system.” The New Jersey Democrat was chair of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee ...
One candidate for New Jersey governor is fiercely backing Democratic powerbroker George Norcross after a judge dismissed a ...
The Democratic governor signed an overhaul that makes this year’s race to succeed him the most unpredictable in generations.